Monday, September 5, 2011

The rapid pace of evolution in Consumer Electronics

!9# The rapid pace of evolution in Consumer Electronics

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The development of consumer electronics, high-definition displays, digital broadcasts, displays and media is happening at an ever faster. Advances in technology are occurring much faster than before, thus reducing the time to provide new technologies to market at an exponential rate. The algorithm for the development and dissemination of new technologies is almost fifty percent less time at each significant step forward. With such a fast race invention, the simultaneousIntroduction of various technologies is as inevitable as price erosion and reduced life cycles for what is considered "new" in consumer electronics.

A brief history of television and the development of display devices highlights the incredibly increasing pace of technology development.

In 1876 Eugene Goldstein, the term "cathode ray" was coined to describe light emitted when an electric current is forced through a vacuum tube. Fifty years later, in 1928, GE introduced the Octagon, aTV with a rotating disc and a neon lamp, a red-orange image that was half the size of a business card created. Later in 1948, 20 years, the demand for black and white television, a transformation in communications and entertainment. Until 1949, some well-known brands have been fighting for a share of booming market. These brands included familiar names like Admiral, Emerson, Motorola, Philco, Raytheon, RCA and Zenith. The market was saturated with brands such asCrosley, Du Mont, Farnsworth, Hallicrafters, Sparton and Tele-Tone. In 1951, CBS aired an hour Ed Sullivan show in color, but there were only a dozen CBS television sets that can process the transmission of color. In 1954, RCA was the first color television on the market, but only 1,000 units sold to the public this year. In 1956, Time Magazine called color TV the "resounding flop of 1956 industry".

The plasma display panel was invented at the University of IllinoisBlits 1964 by Donald H, H Gene Slottow and student of Robert Wilson. The original displays in black and white were popular in the early 1970's, because they do not require memory or circuitry to refresh the image. In 1983, IBM introduced a 19 inch black and white showing in a position of four virtual sessions simultaneously. In 1997, Pioneer started selling the first color plasma television to the public. Screen size increased to 22 inches by the year 1992 and 2006, Matsushita introduced the largest plasmaVideo display of 103 inches at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada.

DLP, Texas Instruments has developed in 1987 by Dr. Larry Hornbeck. The image is created by selective reflection of colored light beams onto a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD). Each mirror represents one pixel of the projected image. The number of pixels represents the resolution. For example, 1920 x 1080 resolution refers to a grid of individual points of light, the large 1920 x 1080 are high,created by the beam of light the same number of tiny mirrors on chip that is smaller than a postage stamp in the press. Concentrated light from a bright lamp mercury vapor is shone through a small spinning wheel, red, green, blue and sometimes white. The light that comes from the color wheel to act independently of tiny mirrors that reflect light colored pixels on or off target. The colors are perceived by the human eye, a mix of combinations of red,Green and blue reflections in each pixel, and the combination of pixels create the total image. This technology has been widely used in digital projectors, and gradually became a competing technology of CRT projection TVs, at least until consumers discovered the cost of replacing the projector high intensity lamps.

In 1904 Otto Lehman published a work on liquid crystals. Up to 1911, described Charles Manguin structures and properties of liquid crystals. In 1926,Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company patented the first practical application of technology. It was only in 1968 that George Meier healing and a group of RCA introduced the first liquid crystal display operating. In December 1970, gave M. Schadt and W. Helfrich of the Central Research Laboratories of Hoffman-La Roche in Switzerland, a patent for the twisted nematic field effect in liquid crystals, and licenses the invention of Japanese electronics industry for digital quartz watches. By the year 2004.40 inch to 45 inch LCD TV is widely available on the market and Sharp introduced a 65-inch. In March 2005, a 82-inch Samsung LCD panel. Then, in August of 2006, LG Philips LCD has submitted a 100-inch LCD. At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada in January 2007, Sharp said the first place for the new size as it has introduced the 108-inch LCD panel with the AQUOS brand. From tiny liquid crystals, the battle for supremacy and 108 "shows the demand for larger and sharper contrast in high-definition video has proved once again that size matters.

In 2006 there were over 220 manufacturers of television sets were, and the list keeps growing as well as the types of technology for the displays. Among other display technologies Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD), Light Emitting Diode (LED), field emission display (FED), not to be confused with K-FED, and Liquid Crystal on Silicon (SED). Since the abilityDeveloping the production and delivery of high-definition broadcast on demand continues, the demand for better quality and larger displays will continue to rise disproportionately. The technology for the next great leap in high definition and quality image reproduction Clock is the surface conduction electronic emitter display (SED).

So, where is high-definition images? The pace of technology and the battle for the fastest race formats that the development ofDisplay devices.

Ampex introduced the first VCR sales in 1956 with a price of $ 50,000. The world's first VCR for home use was introduced by Philips in 1972. In 1975, Sony introduced Betamax. The first VHS VCR arrived on the market in 1977, JVC HR-3300, the creation of a format war that has raged for market share in 19 080. In 1990 the struggle for dominance between VHS and Beta replaced by a new battle between the MultiMedia CompactDisc by Sony and Philips, as compared to the Super Density disk from Time Warner, Matsushita, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Pioneer, Toshiba and Thomson supported. Surprisingly, it was Lou Gerstner, IBM chairman, who stepped forward and acted as matchmaker to convince the rival camps together, and combine the best of both technologies into a single standard. The result was the DVD Consortium, later known as the DVD Forum. The competing technologies together on standardsManufacture of DVD products with common format, the struggle for supremacy was in 2006 between HD DVD and Blu-Ray high-definition video to relive.

It took 20 years to migrate to a business unit of $ 50,000 to a VCR for the home. It was almost 20 years of battle in the format war between VHS and Beta, until rival camps under the leadership of Lou Gerstner together on a common format DVD. The common format for DVD only lasted 10 years before the raceTechnologies, once again claim the battle for supremacy in high-definition video market, such as HD DVD and Blu-Ray battle for supremacy, movie title, winning and brag for the next standard for the development of the video. At this rate of evolution to define technological progress occurs twice as fast or in half the time the process age. At this rate, we note that the next significant advancement in technology and another format within the next five to anticipateYears. The next format combine the best technologies of HD DVD and Blu-Ray? It will create the next step in the evolution of the use of multiple colors of the spectrum to more high-definition on the basis? Will the format war for the storage media such as VHS and Blu-Ray discs have become obsolete, as the new medium becomes wireless streaming video on demand? One thing is certain, will not take long to figure it out. Keep your VHS movies, CDs and DVDs because they areCollector's items and museum pieces before a child born today will attend the university.

Are you worried that the latest technology when you make your next purchase in consumer electronics? Are you worried about selecting the right format, so that the movie library and the collection of media take longer than the stack of LPs and eight-track tapes? Choose a display that supports high-definition digital know the nature of the inputs to the display orTelevision, and then take the fits your budget. The types of input connections and are important for the ability to leverage the best possible representation from the TV or display device. As for the records, take your chances on the media that has the largest selection of titles and is compatible with other home entertainment devices. It 'a good chance that the state-of-the-art technology you buy today will be obsolete before the extended warranty, so you sit downand enjoy the evolution.


"The theory of evolution by cumulative natural selection is the only theory we know that in principle can explain the existence of organized complexity."
- Richard Dawkins

"Television is the first truly democratic culture - the first culture available to all and completely from what people want to rule the worst is what people want to do .."
- Clive Barnes

"Any sufficiently advancedTechnology is not magic. "
- Arthur C. Clarke

The rapid pace of evolution in Consumer Electronics

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Projection DLP TV

!9# Projection DLP TV

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A little 'history

Texas Instruments engineer, Dr. Larry Hornbeck was the primary inventor of the Digital Micro-Mirror Device (DMD). The further development of this 1987-1993 until he brought about his present condition as Digital Light Processing (DLP) chip set for what is best known as TV Rear Projection TV and DLP design known. Currently, the world's largest manufacturer of projection DLP TV Mitsubishi Electric, which include specialistsArea of ​​the large TV screen.

How DLP televisions work

A rear-projection TV uses a set of over a million microscopic mirrors (DMD) is to be measured individually by 0.02 mm wide. The DMD is individually controlled by a hinge and spatial light modulator and semiconductor optical devices. When the digital processor chip of the light it receives a digital video or graphic signal input, is transformed into a light black and white video signal. The light signal is then passed through theProjection lens is enhanced by the projection lamp and then synchronized with the rotating color filter wheel. The pictures are on the back of the screen, which is seen as opposed to projects outside.

Advantages and disadvantages of DLP TV

DLP rear projection TVs have a fairly loyal customer base with most, they say, are a great TV would do. Given the image quality, sharpness, clarity and screen refresh rateSize value for the money, many would agree. But the DLP during their time not without drawbacks, which unfortunately is forcing an indelible impression of him criticism among his peers, seems to lose its place among the shelves of most television and electronics stores around the world are been abandoned.

Some of these disadvantages are:

After a blown lamp dimming or replaced every few years is probably one of the biggest knock again. However, it is a TV projection, and their bulbs finally burnlike any other video-projector lamp. Another thing that would be the average punter does not deter a true successor is airy glow that the DLP with the constant switching of the lamp within the housing enclosure of the DLP TV have. This problem is similar to that used in conventional LCD TV backlight backlight. Produces a lower contrast ratio, where the colors true blacks are not blacks in dark scenes, but very dark blue-violetNuances. Then there is their physical footprint, which is usually attributed to the fact that they are unique in television, moving mechanical parts, may require a size appropriate to the mass of the chassis in the house. While they are relatively light weight compared to a plasma screen TV or LCD with a similar, but take a piece lot of space on the floor.

Value for Money

At the price, is a new 73-inch Mitsubishi 1080p DLP HD-Ready 3D TV for just over $ 1,200. During a 60-inch 1080p LGPlasma HDTV is priced at $ 1300 + price. Put it next to a Samsung 60-inch 1080p LED / LCD HDTV will bring you back only a couple of dollars just $ 2,500, which is more than double the price of the DLP TV in the even smaller screen size. Mitsubishi rear projection TV series usually the screen size of 65 inches, 73 inches and 82 inches, and not break the bank either. But before you rush to the door and buy a DLP TV, you have the cost of maintaining one. Replacing the projection lamp 2or it can mount three times during the life of a new rear projection TV to more than a few hundred dollars. Of course, the lamp life depends on what the TV settings in terms of "brightness", "Saturation" and "Contrast" and for how long and how often you set up on a daily basis. In essence, the key to a longer-lasting light "all the settings in moderation."

Any words last piece of advice if you are considering buying a DLP rearTelevision projection would be to read on a second opinion and go see one for you, check it out and then make your opinion. However, if you are already with the Mitsubishi DLP set, and nothing against it with its little quirks you are interested and excited about the Laser TV to know. A new generation of completely revised and updated DLP TV that uses laser technology as the main source of light in a few stepsQuality in the class of big screen HD TV.

As in relation quotes Laser TV: "Better than the best TV on earth." Click here to learn more. Thanks for reading.

Projection DLP TV

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