Monday, December 19, 2011

Mitsubishi 2005 WD-62725 - Constantly Quivering Pixels on PC Input

SOLVED 3-19-2011. I sent the DM and FMT boards to a guy in Texas who fixed them - my set is now working properly WOOOHOO!!! Look for the eBay user dallas_treasures - he KNOWS all about this problem and can fix it! This is video of the problem with my Mitsubishi WD-62725 DLP television that I purchased brand new in June of 2005. For nearly the last year, this is what I've had to try to watch. This TV used to look pristine. I have now found out that this is a common problem that is known by Mitsubishi, yet I have not been contacted. These sets have an electronics chassis that is just full of prematurely failed electrolytic capacitors. I paid ALOT of money for this and would NEVER have expected this to be this bad after only five years after purchasing new. Here is a Wikipedia article that explains about prematurely failing capacitors and their effects: I am NOT happy about this as Mitsubishi was a brand I RARELY saw in my old repair shop back in the 1990's. There alot of well-known junk brands out there and I did not consider Mits to be one of them. By the way, Two different PC's and a different VGA cable was tried and no difference was noted. HDMI Input does not quiver. Antenna and Cable-TV inputs do not quiver either. However, HDMI has poorer standard resolution than PC Input so I've always used the PC Input at 1280 x 720 Windows desktop resolution. I rarely watch standard Broadcast TV or Cable TV as I watch alot of internet based programming.

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